Our framework of learning analytics has three components
(1) Behavioral sensor – records learning activities on digital platforms,
(2) Learning Record Store (LRS) – accumulates learning logs from LMS and behavior sensors,
(3) Dashboard – Visualizes the logs of LRS and results from data analysis.

Using IMS LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) functionality helps to integrate various LMS like Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, BlackBoard to our LA framework. We can also link various behavioral sensors to LMS with LTI functionality. BookRoll is one such behavioral sensors developed for the current platform. It is a system where teachers can upload PDF versions of textbooks and lecture slides and learners can browse them in their web browsers. All the learning activities by the students such as changing pages, highlighting markers, writing memos on the learning material, etc are recorded on the server side in a LRS. LRS uses OpenLRW, an open source software. The dashboard then visualizes and displays the information of the browsing log.

You can try BookRoll by having your account created by yourself at the following site.
About BookRoll

LRS: https://www.ht2labs.com/learning-locker-community/overview/

Contact us
Ogata Laboratory
Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University