Professor Ogata to organize a Symposium on Learning Analytics on March 22, 2018 (Thursday).
We look forward to everyone’s participation.
For details, please visit:
The 24th University Educational Research Forum will be held on March 20 and 21, 2018 prior to this symposium . For details , please click here .
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Information on Symposium on Learning Analytics
~ Development of Infrastructure to Support Education and Learning using Educational Big Data ~
Date: 2018 March 22, Thursday, 13:00 to 18:00 (Doors open 12:30)
Location: Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
Sponsorship: Kakenhi Scientific Research (S), 16H06304
“Cloud Infrastructure to Support Education and Learning using Educational Big Data”
Fee: Free
application URL: 2tLFYcaBHQ8zYsLw1
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In recent years, the information-rich education is progressing rapidly with technologies such as digital textbooks, LMS (Learning Management system) and e- portfolio systems. This has initiated both domestic and international research work to integrate the learning log data stored in these different systems and build education big data as an attempt to support teaching-learning. In this symposium, we introduce the latest research trends in analysis of Educational Big Data and Learning Analytics.
You are invited to participate in the symposium and attend the keynote speeches, case-study session and the panel discussion.
12: 30 Inauguration
13 : 00 Opening remarks · Purpose explanation
- Prof. Hiroaki Ogata – Professor, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
13: 15 Keynote Speechs
- Prof. Rakesh Agrawal – Data Insights Laboratories / EPFL
“Toward Data – Driven Education” - Prof. Stephen Yang – National Central University
“Applying learning analytics on predicting students’ academic performance” - Prof. Gwo-Jen Hwang – National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
“Learning Behavior and Interactive Pattern Analysis – Methodologies, Tools and Practices” - Prof. Michiko Minoh – Kyoto University Academic Information Media Center “Strategy for Advancing Learning Analytics”
※ Prof. Agrawal, Prof. Yang and Prof. Hwang will speak in English, but there is no simultaneous interpretation in Japanese.
15:15 Break (15 minutes)
15:30 Introduction of research cases
- Tatsunori Matsai – Waseda University Professor of Human Sciences
- Jiyuji Yoshida – Director, Digital Knowledge Education Technology Institute
- Atsushi Shimada – Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and *Electrical* Engineering, Kyushu University
- Masanori Yamada – Associate Professor, Kyushu University Center for Education
- Chifumi Nishioka – Assistant Professor, Research and Development Office, Kyoto University Library
- Brendan Flanagan – Kyoto University Academic Information Media Center Researcher
17:00 Break (15 minutes)
17:15 Panel Discussion All presenters
18:00 closing