What is the LEAF System?
BookRoll: Digital Teaching Material Distribution System
LogPalette: Learning Record Analysis Tool
What is the LEAF System?
Educational DX aims to improve students’ competencies and teachers’ teaching while reducing their workload. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus and the promotion of the GIGA school concept, it has become normal for students to use a personal computing device for learning per person. In such a situation, educational data automatically accumulated such as access history to educational materials, video viewing history, and quiz responses. The LEAF system aims to scientifically analyze such data and provide support suited to individual teachers and students.
We would like to transform educational practice based on teachers’ intuition and experience of the past to education based on data and evidence.
In the future, we would like to share such evidence country-wide, for the promoting analysis of different learner profiles, how to teach, and what kind of effect each lesson can have on learners. This will allow us to enhance the effectiveness of a wide variety of teaching and learning activities. Furthermore, sharing this evidence globally beyond countries will enable us to investigate the effects of cultural differences on teaching and learning activities.
It is very important to collaborate not only with researchers, but also with teachers and parents working in the field of education, people from the private sector, government administration, and national policymakers. As a framework for this, we established the Council for Evidence-Driven Education Research (EDE).
The EDE introduces the LEAF system to universities and schools. We hope to promote the digital transformation of education and to change education from being based on the intuition and experience of teachers to education based on data and evidence.
Academic Center for Computing
and Media Studies,
Kyoto University