
  • Author registration (Authors of: main conference papers, workshop papers, extended summaries, WIPPs; participants of ECW and DSC): on or before September 15, 2023 (GMT)
  • Early bird registration: on or before October 8, 2023 (GMT)
  • Regular registration: on or before November 8, 2023 (GMT)
  • The authors of accepted papers will need to complete the following form: Transfer of Copyright Agreement.
  • Late registrations are welcome but your paper will not be included in the proceedings of the Conference.
  • A registrant may have at most two papers published in the proceedings of the Conference.

Registration Cancellation Policy

Authors whose papers are to be published cannot cancel their registration but can nominate a representative to present their paper. There will be no refund on cancellation at ICCE 2023.

Payment Method

Registration Fees

Category Early Bird (On or Before 8th, Oct) Regular (On or Before 8th, Nov) On-site (On or After 3rd, Dec)
APSCE Member JPY 75,000 JPY 81,000 JPY 88,000
Non APSCE Member JPY 91,000 JPY 98,000 JPY 105,000
Student APSCE Member JPY 45,000 JPY 48,000 JPY 55,000
Student non APSCE Member JPY 55,000 JPY 58,000 JPY 65,000
Participants from emerging economies JPY 55,000 JPY 58,000 JPY 65,000
Students from emerging economies JPY 45,000 JPY 48,000 JPY 55,000
  • The registration fee is inclusive of participation at the main conference and all pre-conference events, conference kits, lunches and two tea breaks on all five conference days, conference welcome party and banquet (only for Early Bird and Regular registration), and the APSCE membership for 2024. Please note that on-site registration does NOT include banquet.
  • You are an APSCE member if you registered for ICCE 2022. Please contact for any queries.

Emerging Economies

Individuals from these emerging economies as defined by World Bank are qualified for a discounted rate.
Please note that the discounted rate is based on the country of the institution (or the main employer) that the registrant is affiliated to.